
Monday-Thursday, 9am - 5pm

Friday, By Appointment


Pulliam Morris Interiors

906 Harden Street

Columbia, SC 29205

(parking and entrance in rear of building)

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A Hidden Columbia Treasure

A friend of mine, Jane Suggs, asked me to help with a volunteer project this spring on behalf of her garden club.  Little did I know, I would see a hidden treasure in the middle of my city that I didn’t know existed!

She took me to a small garden next to the Governor’s Mansion, part of the original Boylston gardens.  There stood a small octagonal garden house which sorely needed some refurbishing.  We made a plan and then started calling in favors from some artisans that we both knew.  From Blythewood Plaster Company, Charles Stevens and family, Wilkes Ironworks, Real Value Stone to our Pulliam Morris team, we pulled together a fresh look for the interior of this charming building.

Many brides use this garden for their weddings, and this space gives them a place to go before the ceremony. Ride by and take a look!  Its on the corner of Lincoln and Calhoun streets and is in honor of our military veterans. A very special spot!

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Cantina in the Country

Several months ago, when it was still warm and the thought of getting in a pool was nice,  my client approached me about turning their existing pool house into a Cantina. A comfortable oasis in the country was their desire. Construction had begun but quickly slowed down when some difficult decisions had to be made. How were we going to finish the beams, the ceiling, the columns, the cabinets… and make them all look good together?

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What’s In Your Backyard Now?

What’s in your backyard now?  Probably snow.  And while kids of all ages enjoy the winter break, we look back at an old blog.  And really look forward to a warm spring.

This was my garage.  You know the kind.  The ones that have never held a car – only the junk that accumulates (and multiplies) over time.  Boxes of nothing important.  Poorly organized yard equipment and a variety of weekend warrior supplies.  Always daydreaming, always in search of another never-to-be-completed project, I would stare at the beamed ceiling, old brick walls, proximity to the patio and think…this space was way too cool to waste on paint cans.

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